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 I have created a page for you to view and see inside of the prisons in the state of Kentucky. For those of you that hasn't ever seen the inside of a Kentucky State prison here's your chance.   


       The lake at Bell County Forestry Camp.

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This is another picture of the Bell County   Forestry  Camp below. From right to left- procedures, R & D (clothing), chapel, cafeteria.

 Bell County Correctional Complex chow hall. I was at this facility for about a year. If you ever have to do time this is one of the better places to do time.
 Bell Counties medical facility. This use to be the rec area when I was there. They had inmates build a new rec bldg.
 Inside the medical bldg.
 This is the admin. bldg.     
 B.C.F.C.,s living quarters.
 Bell Counties dorm view.

 This is one  of the lakes at

the Bell County Forestry Camp. On weekends

inmates can check out fishing poles from the

recreation department and fish in the lake.        


Bell County Forestry Camp - Back view.


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 Inmate dormitory at the

Luther Luckett prison.


Below is box 1 entrance at the Luther Luckett Corectional Complex.

                   Left-Inmate canteen.   

            Below is Luther Luckett's visitation area.

 This is the print shop at L.L.  


This below is the walkway at Luther Luckett.

 Luther Luckett' razor wire! I sure don't want to get caught up in that mess.

 Luther Luckett Correctional   

Complex. I've known a few people that has done

time at the Luther Luckett facility. This is the

Chapel at the Luther Luckett facility.

        This is a  look inside the Little Sandy prison.

 Little Sandy, I

 believe this is part of the Educational program.

Below Picture is of the library in the Little Sandy Correctional Complex.

 Little Sandy,

adult educational department. 

Below is also a section of the library located at the Little Sandy Correctional Complex.

 Entrance To Blackburn Correctional Complex. This was my home for about 2 and a half years.

 Above is admin. bldg. at B.C.C.

This is the sign for the entrance at the thooughbred retirement farm. Inmates work on the farm for state pay and good time every month.

 North Point sign.
 North Point warning sign.
 North Point hospital.

 This is the Control Center

the North Point Training Center.

 North Point Visitation.
 NorthPoint Chapel.
 North Point Admin. Bldg.
 North Point Visitation.
 Razor wire at the Point.

 Kentucky State  Reformatory, Leautenant Governor.

 Eastern Kentucky Correctional Coplex, A.K.A. the Pink Palace.
 E.K.C.C. inmate dormitory.
 E.K.C.C. inmate chapel.
 E.K.C.C. chapel

Below is the Kentucky State Penitentiary. This is where death row inmates and maximum security inmates are housed.

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