Full Criminal Check: Felonies, Misdemeanors & Sex Offenses | |
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Information for Offenders
Probationers and Parolees can now get help and resources 24
hours a day, 7 days a week by calling
Toll Free
A Church Secretary Cut Over 10 Hours Off Of Her Newsletter Work Per Month By Using These Techniques
Whether you're a church secretary of a small to mid-sized church or a volunteer creating your church's newsletter from home, these techniques will save you time and help simplify your work.
My goal is to help people through what I had to struggle through.
After 60 months of being incarcerated, I've had a lot of rough times trying to get back on my feet.
So I have designed a site just for that!
I will do everything I possibly can to ensure you get the help you need and to do my best to put you in the right direction.
I know there's a lot of people out there who's been through what I've been through and if you all have any input whatsoever please let me know.
Please send all suggestions to jandk_solutions@yahoo.com
October 23, 2008
DOC # Last Name First Name Middle Name Type of Release Released From Highest Felony Class
132907 Baker Tom Discharged - Minimum Expiration Hart County Jail Class D (1 - 5 years)
125995 Knuckles Marvin Discharged - Minimum Expiration Madison County Jail Class D (1 - 5 years)
194097 Jones Gerald Wayne Discharged - Minimum Expiration Kentucky State Reformatory Class D (1 - 5 years)
122619 Peterson Timothy Wayne Discharged - Minimum Expiration Roederer Assessment Cntr Class D (1 - 5 years)
178440 Carroll Jerry Discharged - Minimum Expiration Marshall County Jail Class C (5 - 10 years)
163927 Jenkins Trent Lamar Discharged - Minimum Expiration Roederer Assessment Cntr Class C (5 - 10 years)
170032 Wilbert Theresa L Discharged - Minimum Expiration KCIW Assessment Class D (1 - 5 years)
144331 Wolf Letitia Discharged - Minimum Expiration KCIW Assessment Class D (1 - 5 years)
214707 Clark Gary Discharged - Minimum Expiration Marion County Jail Class D (1 - 5 years)
166442 Isaacs Michael Discharged - Minimum Expiration Casey County Det. Cntr Class C (5 - 10 years)
075938 Miller David Discharged - Minimum Expiration Marion County Jail Class C (5 - 10 years)
199532 Morris George Discharged - Minimum Expiration Marion County Jail Class D (1 - 5 years)
223018 Kitchens Brittany D Shock Probation Began - In State Daviess County Det. Cntr Class D (1 - 5 years)
197845 Peel Nathan Shock Probation Began - In State Grant County Jail Class D (1 - 5 years)
223461 Yates Stephanie M Shock Probation Began - In State Henderson County Jail Class D (1 - 5 years)
223326 Anderson Derick S Shock Probation Began - In State Bullitt County Jail Class D (1 - 5 years)
215978 Franks Jeremy Douglas Shock Probation Began - In State Luther Luckett Corr. Complex Class C (5 - 10 years)
107588 Purvis John Wayne Shock Probation Began - In State Montgomery County Jail Class D (1 - 5 years)
221546 Eply Kristy Lynn Shock Probation Began - In State Otter Creek Corr. Cntr Class C (5 - 10 years)
221604 Daugherty Jessica Shock Probation Began - In State Warren County Jail Class D (1 - 5 years)
223226 Travis Timothy Shock Probation Began - In State Marshall County Jail Class D (1 - 5 years)
160169 Clark Melanie Spring Shock Probation Began - In State Grant County Jail Class D (1 - 5 years)
129785 Phillips Jack Death - Natural Causes Kentucky State Reformatory Capital Offense
223155 Stone Tanya Renee Escaped - Escape without Injury KCIW Assessment Class D (1 - 5 years)
Our Mission | ![]() |
The mission of the Division of Probation and Parole is to enhance public safety and promote offender reintegration in the community through proactive supervision and referral to community based resources
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The Division At A Glance | ![]() |
At the end of August 2007, the Division of Probation and Parole’s 399 sworn officers supervised 38,131 offenders and completed over 18,000 pre-sentence investigations. The Division of Probation and Parole also provides services for Community Centers, Halfway House pre-release programs, and jail-based Class D programs. These programs average over 6,000 offenders per month.
In addition to the supervision of probationers and parolees, Probation and Parole staff provide investigative services to the courts and Parole Board, rehabilitation services to offenders, and assistance in employment and home placement. Various duties include court appearances and testimony, reports to the releasing authorities, home visits, drug and alcohol testing, transportation of prisoners, referral of offenders to appropriate resources, and monitoring payment of fees, restitution and community service work. The Division of Probation and Parole is also responsible for the administration of the Interstate Compact which transfers cases between states, the placement office which assists incarcerated offenders with proper home placements, and the processing of Civil Rights Restoration requests submitted by ex-offenders.
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I will be posting all testimonies from people whether it be religious or just testimony. Please send all testimonies to jandk_solutions@yahoo.com